Life isn't all nice outside. I wonder why I wanna go out from college that bad dulu! hahahahah. But that's basicly what Life is kan kan? :)
Anyway, arre, bean and carrot baru sahaja keluar tengok harry potter :D tiba2 sahaja rindu time kita semua tengok HP togeda geda.
Since the year's coming to an end, it's gonna be approx. a year since we left college. any college updates, kamu semua mungkin tak tahu. tapi arre takkan cerita laah apa2.
the thing I wanna tell u guys is; ppm next year bertempat di Bukit Merbah ya. Sila lah mark your calenders :) ahhahaha. senior2 basketball dan pendebat2, turunlah padang or email the kids to give them spirit.
Hope to see you guys at OUR GROUND next year, other transcenders!
<3, arre.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
from alexandria, with love :)
lisa jijah eng and yaya are safe and okay here :)
thank you all for your prayers
life is very different and tough here but insyaallah we'll pull through.
doakan kami exam. we got exams every month after habis each module,
and this particular module we're at right now is exceptionally hard, so gonna need lotsa lotsa prayers from u guys too.
we miss all of you :)
blog ni macam hambar and tak active sebab semua orang pun busy semua, but once in a while do drop by and post something. it can be anything. announcement, gambar, tazkirah etc :) keep it strong girls :) this bond will never break :)
loveloads, lisa
thank you all for your prayers
life is very different and tough here but insyaallah we'll pull through.
doakan kami exam. we got exams every month after habis each module,
and this particular module we're at right now is exceptionally hard, so gonna need lotsa lotsa prayers from u guys too.
we miss all of you :)
blog ni macam hambar and tak active sebab semua orang pun busy semua, but once in a while do drop by and post something. it can be anything. announcement, gambar, tazkirah etc :) keep it strong girls :) this bond will never break :)
loveloads, lisa
Monday, September 13, 2010
5th september baybeh ;D

1st; selamat hari raya ;D
2nd; maaf zahir batin from bean ;)
3rd; i miss all of you :')
and awat blog ni sunyi sgt? haiisshh! haha anyways, just giving you guys a look at what we had last 0509 aka 5th september.
we bukak puasa together courtesy of lisa's spaghetti ;)
and we bought JUMPBALLs together at Toys R'us! XD
and we bought JUMPBALLs together at Toys R'us! XD
its those balls we are holding in the picture above. (my sentence sounds wrroonngg! LOL) and yang comel nye, haha we bought the jumpballs according to our house colours taw. coincidentally! ;))
anyway,i know you guys had an iftar together before that. sorry i couldnt join :( so thats why i wanted another iftar,on that 0509. sikit lawa punya date kan?
hehe but i know
never mind. insyaallah there'll be time for us to meet again.
but, im just suggesting, why dont every 0509, we meet up, gather and just catch up on each other's stories :)
transcenders 0509 - anda gang terbaeekkk!
XOXO bean ;)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Updating ,
Mmg kita punya blog ni dh lama tak update sebenarnya.
So like now ramai sudah berlepas ke destinasi masing2. Matriks and asasi ppl. To those yg dpt MARA and JPA scholarships, CONGRATS!! And to those yg tidak diberi peluang oleh MARA and JPA, it's okay. Rezeki korang kat somewhere else. Maybe ade hikmah :) Dont be too sad.
Sekarang tinggal those ppl yg akan msuk for Diploma and ppl yg akan berlepas ke PASUM untuk belajar bahasa baru. Sorry peeps, I'm not that sure with korang punya status now. So tolong updatekan this blog with you guys punya life ok?
Btw transcenders, I wish you guys all the best in life!! Someday, we'll meet again. Jgn lupa buat reunion tau tau! I'll be waiting for that :)
xoxoxoxo; mardieq jeffery.
So like now ramai sudah berlepas ke destinasi masing2. Matriks and asasi ppl. To those yg dpt MARA and JPA scholarships, CONGRATS!! And to those yg tidak diberi peluang oleh MARA and JPA, it's okay. Rezeki korang kat somewhere else. Maybe ade hikmah :) Dont be too sad.
Sekarang tinggal those ppl yg akan msuk for Diploma and ppl yg akan berlepas ke PASUM untuk belajar bahasa baru. Sorry peeps, I'm not that sure with korang punya status now. So tolong updatekan this blog with you guys punya life ok?
Btw transcenders, I wish you guys all the best in life!! Someday, we'll meet again. Jgn lupa buat reunion tau tau! I'll be waiting for that :)
xoxoxoxo; mardieq jeffery.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
check list
Salam, all =)
hope you're doing good, living a life that's all healthy and blessed, insyaallah.
so, scholarship application time!! =)
since we'll be confused sebab tak tahu scholarship ape yang dah,
or yang akan, or yang kena byr or wtv things..
sila lah buat checklist so that lagi terurus! =)
if you are wondering nak buat canne:
Buat five collumns:
1) no.
2) scholarship name (and course you applied or going to)
3) date applied
4) closing date/ check status date (whether dipanggil for interview ke ape2)
5) remarks (lyk ptronas, have to pay rm20. like TNB, kena buat senarai semak ape ntah)
*remember to print after u applied! bagi menyenangkan jika ada any complications
okaayh? hope that this will help! =)
n remember, apply je SEMUA. selagi boleh menebusi sistem regardless of ur results,
PLEASE DO APPLY! it doesnt hurt to spend your time if insyaallah, ada rezeki. sape tahu? =)
alrite. Let's pray we'll succeed in wtv fields we're venturing into :) I LOVE YAH!!
hope you're doing good, living a life that's all healthy and blessed, insyaallah.
so, scholarship application time!! =)
since we'll be confused sebab tak tahu scholarship ape yang dah,
or yang akan, or yang kena byr or wtv things..
sila lah buat checklist so that lagi terurus! =)
if you are wondering nak buat canne:
Buat five collumns:
1) no.
2) scholarship name (and course you applied or going to)
3) date applied
4) closing date/ check status date (whether dipanggil for interview ke ape2)
5) remarks (lyk ptronas, have to pay rm20. like TNB, kena buat senarai semak ape ntah)
*remember to print after u applied! bagi menyenangkan jika ada any complications
okaayh? hope that this will help! =)
n remember, apply je SEMUA. selagi boleh menebusi sistem regardless of ur results,
PLEASE DO APPLY! it doesnt hurt to spend your time if insyaallah, ada rezeki. sape tahu? =)
alrite. Let's pray we'll succeed in wtv fields we're venturing into :) I LOVE YAH!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
along bukit merbah
hey guys! since results are coming out next week, eng pun cpt2 lah menjelaskan hutang yang ingatkan tinggi melambai or is it melampai? my bm is corrupting. so anyways, pigi college hari ni. semue busy with preps for rosmah and all sooo yeahh. it was embarassing. and everyone kept on asking dbot and i whether we were delivering our wedding cards. should've seen what dbot was wearing. she could've taken over any brides' place on the pelamin. hahah whoopsy :P
dbottt also kena her first summon EVER! bott i'm so proud of you. oklaaa so mase dbot nak kutip me from ktm to go to college, we went to pejabat mps first. salah office and there were bus loads of oku people there. main redah the whole place just to bayar summon of RM50. kesian dbot but still, sape suro pegi main ngan tester kat guardian seremban parade??
beriye nak tlg dbot settle the summon, i agreed to pay half lahh. pegi sane and tgk2 kene bayar RM25. my duit punn masuklah poket balik. hahah aku syg kau dbot. and then pg college, the roads were rejuvenated! hahah but they did a bad job kot. yeah and then had lunch with cik rahmah. she was so worried when aku ngn dbot amek nasi sikit gell. and oh yeah, did i mention she belanja-ed us? :P cuak wehh acc aku. :S
oklah penat ah but it was still fun. that kancil of dbot's was shaking with laughter kan bott? hahaha, dahlah orang yang menumpang tu besar. kesimpulannya, thank you dbot for chaffeuring me around seremban. ily :)
nahh, list kiddies yang ade berhutang lagi:
[RM 30-kebajikan; RM65-sukan; RM 4-mssm; RM 250-makan!]
1. iya- RM30 + RM65 + RM4 = RM99
2. nadia safian- RM30
3. pearl- RM30 + RM65 = RM95
4. jeej- RM30
5. alia nadyra- RM4
6. pika- RM4
7. yaya- RM250 + RM 65 = RM 315
8. zhang- RM4
9. delle- RM4
10. pippah yusof- RM65 + RM 4 = RM 69
you guys can pay to pn sharifah rohana on the day amek results! this is the office number if you guys ade any inquiries- 067625351. good day ter y'all. :)(:
Sunday, February 28, 2010
bean nak ckp...
haha kt fb, i changed my relationship status kan? and i got feedback from some of you guys yang say "ohh cmni lah kan. tiba2 je, bukan nk bgtau".
hehs sorry! and i didnt think it mattered.
haha anyways, yes, im seeing someone ocaay? but thats not the point, because i love you guys more. (haha bahaya pulak ayat ni)
take a splendid care of yourselves, and pray for our results. do come to bean,lisa,iya,ryla,myra's birthday party(insyaallah).
i love you guys sampai mati :D
ps;this was a dare from dbot xP
hehs sorry! and i didnt think it mattered.
haha anyways, yes, im seeing someone ocaay? but thats not the point, because i love you guys more. (haha bahaya pulak ayat ni)
and yes, i would include you guys in my life, always :)
take a splendid care of yourselves, and pray for our results. do come to bean,lisa,iya,ryla,myra's birthday party(insyaallah).
i love you guys sampai mati :D
ps;this was a dare from dbot xP
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
job ahh
fiza pegi interview sehari je
esok terus masuk kerja.. kt one supermarket around kdah
mintak jd cahier..gaji around 700++ jugak..
pegi fers day da mcm masuk form 1
semua senior pandang pelik je weyh
amek sapu sapu sampah..
amek batang mop terus kena mop lantai..
mintak cashier jadi cleaner.. malang tak?
second day pegi ok dahh..
jap2.. kejatu BERDIRI 12 HOURS..
mati kann??
3rd day kaki aku da mule bengkak
bangun pagi terus xnak pegi dahh..
now aku jadi penganggur tetap kat rumah..
haha.. aku blah without bg surat pape pon..
kesiann aku kan??
esok terus masuk kerja.. kt one supermarket around kdah
mintak jd cahier..gaji around 700++ jugak..
pegi fers day da mcm masuk form 1
semua senior pandang pelik je weyh
amek sapu sapu sampah..
amek batang mop terus kena mop lantai..
mintak cashier jadi cleaner.. malang tak?
second day pegi ok dahh..
jap2.. kejatu BERDIRI 12 HOURS..
mati kann??
3rd day kaki aku da mule bengkak
bangun pagi terus xnak pegi dahh..
now aku jadi penganggur tetap kat rumah..
haha.. aku blah without bg surat pape pon..
kesiann aku kan??
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
job job
nique pulak sedang nk interview di petrosains untuk kerja this sunday wish me luck ppl ! heh
and and also the driving test tu this sat
miss you guys wehhhhhhh
and and also the driving test tu this sat
miss you guys wehhhhhhh
life post-spm
i heard;
*alia's working kat mesra petrol kiosk in dungun. rm450permnth
*pya's working or worked at pizza hut in shah alam. 1thou per mnth
*qo-e's working in a music shop in johor. 800 per month
*sutun, husni, denne, qarl etc went to plkn.
*lisa's thinking of getting guitar lessons. haven't gotten past the thinking stage yet! haha
*dodow keje kat tadika mak dia
*iya's in taylor's college doing american degree programme. pursuing actuarial science.
*am and arry pun pegi college jugak kot. nanti korang update lah mane korg gi, and amek ape. i lupe daaaa
*meenie may or may not pegi this one place name baitul quran kot. pegi jadi hafizah al-quran. its either that or blaja keyboard. hahah.
korang yang lain buat ape weyh??? sila share and update us all. dying to hear from u!
loves, lisa azelan
*alia's working kat mesra petrol kiosk in dungun. rm450permnth
*pya's working or worked at pizza hut in shah alam. 1thou per mnth
*qo-e's working in a music shop in johor. 800 per month
*sutun, husni, denne, qarl etc went to plkn.
*lisa's thinking of getting guitar lessons. haven't gotten past the thinking stage yet! haha
*dodow keje kat tadika mak dia
*iya's in taylor's college doing american degree programme. pursuing actuarial science.
*am and arry pun pegi college jugak kot. nanti korang update lah mane korg gi, and amek ape. i lupe daaaa
*meenie may or may not pegi this one place name baitul quran kot. pegi jadi hafizah al-quran. its either that or blaja keyboard. hahah.
korang yang lain buat ape weyh??? sila share and update us all. dying to hear from u!
loves, lisa azelan
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