Sunday, May 30, 2010

hai guys..kitorang dekat puncak alam now.. best2.
macam reunion yg tak cukup orang :0
sape yang dekat2 tu selalu lahh datang visit bwak pizza, mcd kfc..
hahaha.. kami BAHAGIA di sini :)

p/s: ilham missing

: wanorQ ambil gmbar


Monday, May 24, 2010

Updating ,

Mmg kita punya blog ni dh lama tak update sebenarnya.

So like now ramai sudah berlepas ke destinasi masing2. Matriks and asasi ppl. To those yg dpt MARA and JPA scholarships, CONGRATS!! And to those yg tidak diberi peluang oleh MARA and JPA, it's okay. Rezeki korang kat somewhere else. Maybe ade hikmah :) Dont be too sad.

Sekarang tinggal those ppl yg akan msuk for Diploma and ppl yg akan berlepas ke PASUM untuk belajar bahasa baru. Sorry peeps, I'm not that sure with korang punya status now. So tolong updatekan this blog with you guys punya life ok?

Btw transcenders, I wish you guys all the best in life!! Someday, we'll meet again. Jgn lupa buat reunion tau tau! I'll be waiting for that :)

xoxoxoxo; mardieq jeffery.